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What Maintenance Practices Can Extend Appliance Lifespan?

Proper maintenance is key to maximising the lifespan of home appliances. Regular cleaning of filters and vents helps keep components running smoothly. Routine professional checks can catch small issues before they become costly repairs for furnaces, AC, and water heaters. Learn simple practices to prevent premature replacement and save money in the long run.

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Proper maintenance is key to getting the most out of your major home appliances such as furnaces, air conditioners, dishwashers and water heaters. With most appliances carrying price tags in the hundreds to thousands of dollars, it pays to adopt some simple practices to extend their lifespan for many years of reliable service.

Regular cleaning and inspections can prevent small issues from developing into costly repairs down the road. This blog post will discuss several key appliance maintenance tips homeowners can incorporate into their routines. From vacuuming vents to changing filters, learning to care for appliances properly is an investment that can save you money in both decreased repair costs and delayed replacement purchases.

1. Clean Air Filters Regularly

One of the simplest yet most effective maintenance task is keeping air filters clean. Appliances like furnaces, air conditioners, refrigerators, and dryers all use air filters to trap dust and debris before they reach internal components.

Over time, clogged filters reduce airflow and efficiency. Manufacturers typically recommend checking filters monthly when an appliance is in heavy use.

Gently vacuum or wash the reusable filters or replace disposable filters. A clean filter helps appliances perform as designed while extending the lifespan of parts.

Neglected filters can actually do more harm by damaging motors or requiring other repairs. Do not forget about filters, even in appliances like microwaves that don’t get heavy use.

2. Vacuum Vents and Interior Components

In addition to air filters, buildup can accumulate in other areas that need occasional cleaning. Pay attention to vacuuming appliance vents, like those on dryers, twice per year before and after heavy use seasons.

Trapped lint is a fire hazard and also restricts proper airflow. For refrigerators and other appliances with accessible interior components, take a few minutes every six months to vacuum out dust bunnies.

Crevices and corners around fans, heating elements and moving parts inside are dust magnets. A simple vacuum helps remove debris that can disrupt performance and potentially cause overheating over time. Cleaning vents and interior areas prolong the life of appliances and systems.

3. Check Drain Hoses and Disposals

Drains are another maintenance area that should be checked periodically. For dishwashers, look inside the filter compartment every 2-3 months for food debris buildup.

Clear any clogs to prevent backups. Inspect drain hoses that lead from dishwashers, washing machines and other appliances 1-2 times per year. Look for cracks, splits or kinks that could cause leaks over time if not addressed.

Tighten hose connections if needed. For garbage disposals, run hot water through the drain monthly and use a scraper to remove any buildup around the grinding components.

Clogs are unpleasant to deal with and can damage appliances if not prevented. Taking a few minutes to check drains extends their lifespan and saves you emergency repair costs.

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4. Consider Annual Maintenance Checks

While regular cleaning helps, major appliances like furnaces, air conditioners and water heaters benefit from yearly professional maintenance checks. HVAC technicians and plumbers can perform more in-depth inspections and basic services that homeowners may need help doing safely.

They examine components for wear and tear, check refrigerant levels, lubricate moving parts, and test safety devices. Small issues found during annual tune-ups often translate into big savings versus waiting until a surprise breakdown occurs.

Detecting cracked heat exchangers, failing motors, or improper gas pressures allows repairs before catastrophic failures. The cost of checkups may feel unnecessary, but it helps catch latent problems before they sideline critical systems for extended periods. For major appliances, yearly maintenance provides valuable peace of mind.

5. Adjust Settings Seasonally

Appliance settings should also be adjusted according to the seasons. In winter, set back thermostats when away to save on heating costs.

In summer, raise the AC unit a few degrees to decrease runtime. Check dryer vents before and after wet seasons to ensure they are clear of obstructions from insect nests or debris blocking exhaust.

Some appliances like heat pumps, water heaters, and water softeners may require basic adjustments or rollover of settings in transitional spring or fall periods. Taking 2 minutes to tweak controls helps appliances function as efficiently as possible when demands change with the weather.

Proper seasonal settings enhance performance and cut operational expenses over time. Remember balances and thermostats when temperatures fluctuate outdoors.

6. Replace Parts Proactively

Instead of waiting until the breakdown, replacing consumable appliance parts according to the owner’s manual schedule can help things run more smoothly. Items like air conditioner or refrigerator seals, furnace belts and filters are not expensive to purchase but are critical.

When seals or belts crack with age, it causes system inefficiencies or failures. Most manufacturers recommend a two-year cycle for consumables.

Get in the habit of circling replacement dates on your calendar. Stocking a few typical supply items saves installation hassles if needed as well.

Preventing premature failure of moving parts and internals is less expensive than repairs. With proactive maintenance, components perform as designed, extending your valuable appliances’ Peak performance and lifespan.

Maintenance Practices Really Pay Off

Implementing simple regular maintenance practices can help your major appliances last for many years. From changing air filters to checking drain lines, taking small actions every few months prevents unnecessary wear and tear that leads to premature replacements down the road. By catching small issues early, you avoid expensive repairs and maximise the return on your investment in home appliances.

If you need assistance with annual maintenance checks or repairs on your furnaces, air conditioners, electric hot water heaters or other systems, please contact the technicians at Enersol Electrical. As a full-service electrical contractor, we can assist homeowners with professional cleaning, inspections and repairs on all major appliances and utility systems.

Keeping up with maintenance is an affordable way to prevent breakdowns and extend the lifespan of equipment while working with licensed professionals like Enersol ensures everything is in good working order for safety and reliability. Contact us today to schedule your annual appliance checkup.